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Sample module

This module contains utility functions used for sampling processed datasets.

get_sample(es, label_filter_script_id, labels, files=None, index=None, label_object='kyoushi_labels', size=10, seed=None, seed_field='_seq_no', start=None, stop=None)

Retrieve a list of sample log lines.


Name Type Description Default
es Elasticsearch

The elasticsearch client object

label_filter_script_id str

The kyoushi filter scripts ID

labels Optional[List[str]]

The labels to sample from

files Optional[List[str]]

The log files to sample from

index Union[List[str], str]

The elasticsearch indices to sample from

label_object str

The field that contains the labeling data

size int

The number of lines to sample

seed Optional[int]

The seed to use for the sample randomization

seed_field str

The elasticsearch field to use for the random sample order

start Union[str, datetime.datetime, float]

The minimum time stamp to sample from

stop Union[str, datetime.datetime, float]

The maximum time stamp to sample from



Type Description

List of randomly sample log lines. Each line being represented as a dict of the following format:

- @timestamp: The log event timestamp
  log: The elasticsearch log field (containing line number, original log line, etc.)
  <label_object>.list: List of labels
  <label_object>.rules: Map of labeling rules applied to the line
  type: Log type
Source code in dataset/
def get_sample(
    es: Elasticsearch,
    label_filter_script_id: str,
    labels: Optional[List[str]],
    files: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    index: Union[List[str], str, None] = None,
    label_object: str = "kyoushi_labels",
    size: int = 10,
    seed: Optional[int] = None,
    seed_field: str = "_seq_no",
    start: Union[str, datetime, float, None] = None,
    stop: Union[str, datetime, float, None] = None,
) -> List[Hit]:
    """Retrieve a list of sample log lines.

        es: The elasticsearch client object
        label_filter_script_id: The kyoushi filter scripts ID
        labels: The labels to sample from
        files: The log files to sample from
        index: The elasticsearch indices to sample from
        label_object: The field that contains the labeling data
        size: The number of lines to sample
        seed: The seed to use for the sample randomization
        seed_field: The elasticsearch field to use for the random sample order
        start: The minimum time stamp to sample from
        stop: The maximum time stamp to sample from

        List of randomly sample log lines. Each line being
        represented as a dict of the following format:

        - @timestamp: The log event timestamp
          log: The elasticsearch log field (containing line number, original log line, etc.)
          <label_object>.list: List of labels
          <label_object>.rules: Map of labeling rules applied to the line
          type: Log type
    search = Search(using=es, index=index)

    # use random score to get a random sampling
    random_score = {"seed": seed, "field": seed_field} if seed is not None else {}
    search = search.query("function_score", random_score=random_score)
    search = search.sort("_score").extra(size=size)

    if labels is None or len(labels) == 0:
        # if we are given no labels to search for we explicitly return
        # only log rows without any labels
        search = search.exclude("exists", field=f"{label_object}.rules")
        # if we got a label then we filter for it using our script search filter
        search = search.filter(
            script={"id": label_filter_script_id, "params": {"labels": labels}},

    time_range = {}

    if start is not None:
        time_range["gte"] = start

    if stop is not None:
        time_range["lte"] = stop

    if len(time_range) > 0:
        search = search.filter(Range(**{"@timestamp": time_range}))

    if files is not None and len(files) > 0:
        search = search.filter(
            "bool", should=[{"match": {"log.file.path": f}} for f in files]

    search = search.source(

    return search.execute().hits

get_sample_log(es, sample, label, gather_dir, before=5, after=5, related=None, index=None)

Retrieves additional information for a sampled log entry.

This function can be used to retrieve additional information such as, lines before or after. The information can be helpful when analyzing sampled log lines.


Name Type Description Default
es Elasticsearch

The elasticsearch client object

sample Hit

The sample log line

label str

The label that the sample is fore

gather_dir Path

The dataset gather directory

before int

The number of lines before the sample to fetch

after int

The number of line after the sample to fetch

related Optional[List[str]]

List of related elasticsearch indices to retrieve neighbor logs from

index Union[List[str], str]

The index the sample was retrieved from



Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

Dictionary containing verbose information about the sample log. Format:

label: <The label the sample is for>
rules: <List of labeling rules applied to the sample log line>
path: <The samples log files relative path>
line_no: <The samples line number>
before: <List of log lines before the sample>
line: <The sample log line>
after: <List of log lines after the sample>
related: <List of log lines in related files with timestamps close to the sample.>

Source code in dataset/
def get_sample_log(
    es: Elasticsearch,
    sample: Hit,
    label: str,
    gather_dir: Path,
    before: int = 5,
    after: int = 5,
    related: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    index: Union[List[str], str, None] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Retrieves additional information for a sampled log entry.

    This function can be used to retrieve additional information
    such as, lines before or after. The information can be helpful
    when analyzing sampled log lines.

        es: The elasticsearch client object
        sample: The sample log line
        label: The label that the sample is fore
        gather_dir: The dataset gather directory
        before: The number of lines before the sample to fetch
        after: The number of line after the sample to fetch
        related: List of related elasticsearch indices to retrieve neighbor logs from
        index: The index the sample was retrieved from

        Dictionary containing verbose information about the sample log.
        label: <The label the sample is for>
        rules: <List of labeling rules applied to the sample log line>
        path: <The samples log files relative path>
        line_no: <The samples line number>
        before: <List of log lines before the sample>
        line: <The sample log line>
        after: <List of log lines after the sample>
        related: <List of log lines in related files with timestamps close to the sample.>

    path = Path(sample.log.file.path)
    line_no = sample.log.file.line
    start = max(0, line_no - before)
    end = line_no + after

    before_lines: List[str] = []
    sample_line: str
    after_lines: List[str] = []

    # read the sample line and the requested surrounding lines
    with open(path, "r") as f:
        for i, line in enumerate(f, 1):
            if i >= start and i < line_no:
            elif i == line_no:
                sample_line = line
            elif i > line_no and i <= end:
            elif i > end:
    _related: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
    if related is not None:
        for rel in related:
            closest: Optional[Hit] = _get_closest(
                es=es, related=rel, timestamp=sample["@timestamp"]
            if closest is not None and closest.log.file.path != str(path):
                if closest is not None:
                            "path": str(
                            "line_no": closest.log.file.line,
                            "timestamp": closest["@timestamp"],

    return {
        "label": label,
        "rules": list(sample.kyoushi_labels.rules)
        if "kyoushi_labels" in sample
        else [],
        "path": str(path.relative_to(gather_dir)),
        "line_no": line_no,
        "before": before_lines,
        "line": sample_line,
        "after": after_lines,
        "related": _related,