Utils module¶
This module contains general purpose utility functions.
copy_package_file(package, file, dest, overwrite=False)
Copies a package distributed file to some path.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
package |
str |
The package of the file to copy |
required |
file |
str |
The file to copy |
required |
dest |
Path |
The path to copy the file to |
required |
overwrite |
bool |
If the destination path should be overwritten or not |
False |
Source code in dataset/utils.py
def copy_package_file(package: str, file: str, dest: Path, overwrite: bool = False):
"""Copies a package distributed file to some path.
package: The package of the file to copy
file: The file to copy
dest: The path to copy the file to
overwrite: If the destination path should be overwritten or not
if overwrite or not dest.exists():
with pkg_resources.path(package, file) as pkg_file:
shutil.copy(pkg_file, dest.absolute())
create_dirs(directories, always=False)
Creates the given list of directories.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
directories |
List[pathlib.Path] |
The directories to create |
required |
always |
bool |
If the directories can already exist or not |
False |
Source code in dataset/utils.py
def create_dirs(directories: List[Path], always: bool = False):
"""Creates the given list of directories.
directories: The directories to create
always: If the directories can already exist or not
for d in directories:
if always or not d.exists():
os.makedirs(d, exist_ok=always)
Load data from a file (either JSON or YAML)
The function will check the file extensions - .json - .yaml - .yml and will try to load using the respective parses. Any other file extension and file format will produce an error.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
file |
Union[str, pathlib.Path] |
The file stream or path to load |
required |
Type | Description |
NotImplementedError |
If the file format is not supported. |
Type | Description |
Any |
The loaded data |
Source code in dataset/utils.py
def load_file(file: Union[Text, Path]) -> Any:
"""Load data from a file (either JSON or YAML)
The function will check the file extensions
- .json
- .yaml
- .yml
and will try to load using the respective parses.
Any other file extension and file format will produce
an error.
file: The file stream or path to load
NotImplementedError: If the file format is not supported.
The loaded data
if isinstance(file, Text):
file = Path(file)
ext = file.suffix
if ext == ".json":
return load_json_file(file)
elif ext in (".yaml", ".yml"):
return load_yaml_file(file)
raise NotImplementedError(f"No file loader supported for {ext} files")
Parse and load a JSON file
Name | Type | Description | Default |
file |
Union[BinaryIO, IO[str], _io.StringIO, str, pathlib.Path] |
The file stream or path to load |
required |
Type | Description |
Any |
The loaded data |
Source code in dataset/utils.py
def load_json_file(file: Union[StreamTextType, Path]) -> Any:
"""Parse and load a JSON file
file: The file stream or path to load
The loaded data
if isinstance(file, (Text, Path)):
with open(file, "r") as f:
return json.load(f)
return json.load(file)
Loads variables from variable files.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
sources |
Union[pathlib.Path, Dict[str, pathlib.Path]] |
The variable file/s to load |
required |
Type | Description |
Any |
The loaded variables |
Source code in dataset/utils.py
def load_variables(sources: Union[Path, Dict[str, Union[Path]]]) -> Any:
"""Loads variables from variable files.
sources: The variable file/s to load
The loaded variables
if isinstance(sources, dict):
variables = {}
for key, path in sources.items():
variables[key] = load_file(path)
return variables
return load_file(sources)
Parse and load a YAML file.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
file |
Union[BinaryIO, IO[str], _io.StringIO, str, pathlib.Path] |
The file stream or path to load |
required |
Type | Description |
Any |
The loaded data |
Source code in dataset/utils.py
def load_yaml_file(file: Union[StreamTextType, Path]) -> Any:
"""Parse and load a YAML file.
file: The file stream or path to load
The loaded data
yaml = YAML(typ="safe")
return yaml.load(file)
remove_first_lines(path, n, inclusive=False)
Removes the first lines up until n
In inclusive mode the nth line is also deleted otherwise only the lines before the nth line are delted.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
path |
Union[str, pathlib.Path] |
The path to the file |
required |
n |
int |
The "nth" line |
required |
inclusive |
If the nth line should be deleted as well or not |
False |
Source code in dataset/utils.py
def remove_first_lines(path: Union[Text, Path], n: int, inclusive=False):
"""Removes the first lines up until `n`
In inclusive mode the nth line is also deleted otherwise
only the lines before the nth line are delted.
path: The path to the file
n: The "nth" line
inclusive: If the nth line should be deleted as well or not
if not inclusive:
n -= 1
if n <= 0:
# nothing to do here
with open(path, "rb") as original, NamedTemporaryFile("wb", delete=False) as temp:
# skip the first n iterations
for i in range(n):
# now start the iterator at our new first line
for line in original:
# replace old file with new file
shutil.move(temp.name, path)
resolve_indices(dataset_name=None, prefix_dataset_name=True, index=None)
Resolves a given list of indices prefixing the dataset name if necessary.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
dataset_name |
Optional[str] |
The dataset name |
None |
prefix_dataset_name |
bool |
If the dataset name should be prefixed or not |
True |
index |
Union[Sequence[str], str] |
The indices to process |
None |
Type | Description |
Union[Sequence[str], str] |
The prepared indices |
Source code in dataset/utils.py
def resolve_indices(
dataset_name: Optional[str] = None,
prefix_dataset_name: bool = True,
index: Optional[Union[Sequence[str], str]] = None,
) -> Optional[Union[Sequence[str], str]]:
"""Resolves a given list of indices prefixing the dataset name if necessary.
dataset_name: The dataset name
prefix_dataset_name: If the dataset name should be prefixed or not
index: The indices to process
The prepared indices
if not prefix_dataset_name or dataset_name is None:
# if prefix is disabled or we do not have a dataset name
# use index as is
return index
if index is None:
# no index then simply query whole dataset
return f"{dataset_name}-*"
if isinstance(index, Text):
# prefix single index
return f"{dataset_name}-{index}"
# prefix index list
return [f"{dataset_name}-{i}" for i in index]
trim_file(path, start_line, last_line)
Trim a file to the given start and end lines.
Removes all lines before the start_line
and after the
. If either of the values is omitted the very first
or last line is used by default.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
path |
Union[str, pathlib.Path] |
The file to trim |
required |
start_line |
Optional[int] |
The start line number |
required |
last_line |
Optional[int] |
The last line number |
required |
Source code in dataset/utils.py
def trim_file(
path: Union[Text, Path],
start_line: Optional[int],
last_line: Optional[int],
"""Trim a file to the given start and end lines.
Removes all lines before the `start_line` and after the
`last_line`. If either of the values is omitted the very first
or last line is used by default.
path: The file to trim
start_line: The start line number
last_line: The last line number
if last_line is not None and start_line is not None and start_line > 1:
print(f"Trimming file: {path} to be {start_line} - {last_line}")
# first truncate the file
# so we don't have to adjust for new max line count
if last_line is not None:
truncate_file(path, last_line)
# remove all lines before the start line
if start_line is not None:
remove_first_lines(path, start_line, inclusive=False)
truncate_file(path, last_line)
Truncates file to be only last_line
Name | Type | Description | Default |
path |
Union[str, pathlib.Path] |
The file to truncate |
required |
last_line |
int |
The new last line |
required |
Source code in dataset/utils.py
def truncate_file(path: Union[Text, Path], last_line: int):
"""Truncates file to be only `last_line` long.
path: The file to truncate
last_line: The new last line
with open(path, "rb+") as f:
# read up to the last line
for i in range(last_line):
# and then truncate the file to the current pointer
Returns formatted version information about the cr_kyoushi.simulation package
Adapted from Pydantic version.py
Args; cli_info: The CLI info object
Type | Description |
str |
A formated string showing CLI tool information |
Source code in dataset/utils.py
def version_info(cli_info: Info) -> str:
"""Returns formatted version information about the `cr_kyoushi.simulation package`.
Adapted from
[Pydantic version.py](https://github.com/samuelcolvin/pydantic/blob/master/pydantic/version.py)
cli_info: The CLI info object
A formated string showing CLI tool information
import platform
import sys
from . import __version__
info = {
"cr_kyoushi.dataset version": __version__,
"install path": Path(__file__).resolve().parent,
"python version": sys.version,
"platform": platform.platform(),
return "\n".join(
"{:>30} {}".format(k + ":", str(v).replace("\n", " ")) for k, v in info.items()
write_config_file(data, path)
Serialize config data into a file.
Depending on the given destinations path file extension either YAML or JSON serialization is used (defaults to JSON).
Name | Type | Description | Default |
data |
Any |
The data to serialize |
required |
path |
Union[str, pathlib.Path] |
The file to write to |
required |
Source code in dataset/utils.py
def write_config_file(data: Any, path: Union[Text, Path]):
"""Serialize config data into a file.
Depending on the given destinations path file extension
either YAML or JSON serialization is used (defaults to JSON).
data: The data to serialize
path: The file to write to
if isinstance(path, Text):
path = Path(path)
ext = path.suffix
if ext in (".yaml", ".yml"):
write_yaml_file(data, path)
# unless yaml ext are defined we always write json
write_json_file(data, path)
write_json_file(data, path)
Serialize data into a JSON file
Name | Type | Description | Default |
data |
Any |
The data to serialize |
required |
path |
Union[str, pathlib.Path] |
The file to write to |
required |
Source code in dataset/utils.py
def write_json_file(data: Any, path: Union[Text, Path]):
"""Serialize data into a JSON file
data: The data to serialize
path: The file to write to
with open(path, "w") as f:
if isinstance(data, BaseModel):
json.dump(data, f)
write_model_to_yaml(model, path)
Serialize a Pydantic model into a YAML file
Name | Type | Description | Default |
model |
BaseModel |
The Pydantic model |
required |
path |
Union[str, pathlib.Path] |
The file to write to |
required |
Source code in dataset/utils.py
def write_model_to_yaml(model: BaseModel, path: Union[Text, Path]):
"""Serialize a Pydantic model into a YAML file
model: The Pydantic model
path: The file to write to
# first serialize to json and reload as simple data
# and then load serialized data and dump it as yaml
# we have to do this since model.dict() would not serialize sub-models
model_json = json.loads(model.json())
write_yaml_file(model_json, path)
write_yaml_file(data, path)
Serialize data into a YAML file
Name | Type | Description | Default |
data |
Any |
The data to write |
required |
path |
Union[str, pathlib.Path] |
The file path to write to |
required |
Source code in dataset/utils.py
def write_yaml_file(data: Any, path: Union[Text, Path]):
"""Serialize data into a YAML file
data: The data to write
path: The file path to write to
yaml = YAML()
yaml.indent(mapping=2, sequence=4, offset=2)
yaml.default_flow_style = False
with open(path, "w") as f:
yaml.dump(data, f)