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Labeling Rules

On this page you can learn about the various labeling rules available with Cyber Range Kyoushi Dataset.

DSL Query Rule (elasticsearch.query)

Applies labels based on a simple Elasticsearch DSL query.


- type: elasticsearch.query
  id: attacker.foothold.vpn.ip
    - attacker_vpn
    - foothold
  description: >-
    This rule applies the labels to all openvpn log rows that have
    the attacker server as source ip and are within the foothold phase.
    - openvpn-vpn
        # foothold phase start
        gte: "2021-03-23 20:31:00+00:00"
        # foothold phase stop
        lte: "2021-03-23 21:13:52+00:00"
    - match:
        source.ip: ''

description: str pydantic-field

An optional description for the rule

exclude: Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]] pydantic-field

Similar to filters, but used to exclude results

filter_: Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]] pydantic-field

The filter/s to limit queried to documents to only those that match the filters

id_: str pydantic-field required

The unique rule id

index: Union[List[str], str] pydantic-field

The indices to query (by default prefixed with the dataset name)

indices_prefix_dataset: bool pydantic-field

If set to true the <>- is automatically prefixed to each pattern. This is a convenience setting as per default all dataset indices start with this prefix.

labels: str pydantic-field required

The list of labels to apply to log lines matching this rule

query: Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]] pydantic-field required

The query/s to use for identifying log lines to apply the tags to.

type_field: str pydantic-field required

The rule type as passed in from the config

EQL Sequence Rule (elasticsearch.sequence)

Applies labels to a sequence of log events defined by an EQL query.

This labeling rule is defined as an EQL query. Using this syntax it is possible to define a sequence of related events and retrieve them. All events part of retrieved sequences are then labeled.


- type: elasticsearch.sequence
  id: attacker.webshell.upload.seq
  labels: [webshell_upload]
  description: >-
    This rule labels the web shell upload step by matching the 3 step sequence
    within the foothold phase.
    - apache_access-intranet_server
  # since we do these requests very fast
  # we need the line number as tie breaker
  tiebreaker_field: log.file.line
  by: source.address
  max_span: 2m
        # foothold phase start
        gte: "2021-03-23 20:31:00+00:00"
        # foothold phase stop
        lte: "2021-03-23 21:13:52+00:00"
    - '[ apache where event.action == "access" and url.original == "/" ]'
    - '[ apache where event.action == "access" and url.original == "/?p=5" ]'
    - '[ apache where event.action == "access" and http.request.method == "POST" and url.original == "/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php" ]'

batch_size: int pydantic-field

The amount of sequences to update with each batch. Cannot be bigger than max_result_window

by: Union[List[str], str] pydantic-field

Optional global sequence by fields

description: str pydantic-field

An optional description for the rule

event_category_field: str pydantic-field

The field used to categories events

filter_: Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]] pydantic-field

The filter/s to limit queried to documents to only those that match the filters

id_: str pydantic-field required

The unique rule id

index: Union[List[str], str] pydantic-field

The indices to query (by default prefixed with the dataset name)

indices_prefix_dataset: bool pydantic-field

If set to true the <>- is automatically prefixed to each pattern. This is a convenience setting as per default all dataset indices start with this prefix.

labels: str pydantic-field required

The list of labels to apply to log lines matching this rule

max_result_window: int pydantic-field

The max result window allowed on the elasticsearch instance

max_span: str pydantic-field

Optional max time span in which a sequence must occur to be considered a match

sequences: str pydantic-field required

Event sequences to search. Must contain at least two events.

tiebreaker_field: str pydantic-field

(Optional, string) Field used to sort hits with the same timestamp in ascending order.

timestamp_field: str pydantic-field

The field containing the event timestamp

type_field: str pydantic-field required

The rule type as passed in from the config

until: str pydantic-field

Optional until event marking the end of valid sequences. The until event will not be labeled.

DSL Sub Query Rule (elasticsearch.sub_query)

Labeling rule that labels the results of multiple sub queries.

This labeling rule first executes a base query to retrieve information. It then renders and executes a templated sub query for each row retrieved from the base query. The result rows of these dynamically generated sub queries are then labled.


The sub query uses Jinja2 syntax for templating. The information retrieved by the base query can be accessed through the HIT variable.


- type: elasticsearch.sub_query
  id: attacker.foothold.apache.access_dropped
    - attacker_http
    - foothold
  description: >-
    This rule tries to match attacker requests that we where unable to
    match to a labeled response with access log entries. Such cases can
    happen if the corresponding response gets lost in the network or
    otherwise is not sent.
    - pcap-attacker_0
  # obligatory match all
    - term:
        destination.ip: ""
    - term:
        event.category: http
    - term:
        event.action: request
    # we are looking for requests that have not been marked as attacker http yet
    # most likely they did not have a matching response due to some network error
    # or timeout
    - bool:
        - script:
                id: test_dataset_kyoushi_label_filter
                labels: [attacker_http]
      - apache_access-intranet_server
      - term:
          url.full: "{{ HIT.url.full }}"
      - term:
          source.address: ""
      - range:
            # the access log entry should be after the request, but since the access log
            # does not have microseconds we drop them here as well
            gte: "{{ (HIT['@timestamp'] | as_datetime).replace(microsecond=0) }}"
            # the type of error we are looking for should create an access log entry almost immediately
            # se we keep the time frame short
            lte: "{{ ( HIT['@timestamp'] | as_datetime).replace(microsecond=0) + timedelta(seconds=1) }}"

description: str pydantic-field

An optional description for the rule

exclude: Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]] pydantic-field

Similar to filters, but used to exclude results

filter_: Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]] pydantic-field

The filter/s to limit queried to documents to only those that match the filters

id_: str pydantic-field required

The unique rule id

index: Union[List[str], str] pydantic-field

The indices to query (by default prefixed with the dataset name)

indices_prefix_dataset: bool pydantic-field

If set to true the <>- is automatically prefixed to each pattern. This is a convenience setting as per default all dataset indices start with this prefix.

labels: str pydantic-field required

The list of labels to apply to log lines matching this rule

query: Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]] pydantic-field required

The query/s to use for identifying log lines to apply the tags to.

sub_query: QueryBase pydantic-field required

The templated sub query to use to apply the labels. Executed for each hit of the parent query.

type_field: str pydantic-field required

The rule type as passed in from the config

DSL Parent Query Rule (elasticsearch.parent_query)

Applies the labels to all rows of a base query for which a parent query returns results.

This labeling rule first executes a base query to retrieve rows we might want to apply labels to. It then renders and executes a templated parent query for each retrieved row. The parent queries are then used to indicate if the initial result row should be labeled or not. By default result rows of the base query are labeled if the corresponding parent query returns at leas one row. It is possible to configure this minimum number e.g., to require at least two results.


The sub query uses Jinja2 syntax for templating. The information retrieved by the base query can be accessed through the HIT variable.


- type: elasticsearch.parent_query
  id: attacker.foothold.apache.error_access
    - attacker_http
    - foothold
  description: >-
    This rule looks for unlabeled error messages resulting from VPN server
    traffic within the attack time and tries to match it to an already labeled
    access log row.
    - apache_error-intranet_server
    source.address: ""
    # use script query to match only entries that
    # are not already tagged for as attacker http in the foothold phase
    - bool:
        - script:
                id: test_dataset_kyoushi_label_filter
                labels: [attacker_http]
      - apache_access-intranet_server
      - term:
          url.full: "{{ HIT.url.full }}"
      - term:
          source.address: "{{ HIT.source.address }}"
    # we are looking for parents that are labeled as attacker http
      - bool:
            - script:
                  id: test_dataset_kyoushi_label_filter
                    labels: [attacker_http]
      - range:
        # parent must be within +-1s of potential child
             gte: "{{ (HIT['@timestamp'] | as_datetime) - timedelta(seconds=1) }}"
             lte: "{{ ( HIT['@timestamp'] | as_datetime) + timedelta(seconds=1) }}"

description: str pydantic-field

An optional description for the rule

exclude: Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]] pydantic-field

Similar to filters, but used to exclude results

filter_: Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]] pydantic-field

The filter/s to limit queried to documents to only those that match the filters

id_: str pydantic-field required

The unique rule id

index: Union[List[str], str] pydantic-field

The indices to query (by default prefixed with the dataset name)

indices_prefix_dataset: bool pydantic-field

If set to true the <>- is automatically prefixed to each pattern. This is a convenience setting as per default all dataset indices start with this prefix.

labels: str pydantic-field required

The list of labels to apply to log lines matching this rule

max_result_window: int pydantic-field

The max result window allowed on the elasticsearch instance

min_match: int pydantic-field

The minimum number of parent matches needed for the main query to be labeled.

parent_query: QueryBase pydantic-field required

The templated parent query to check if the labels should be applied to a query hit.

query: Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]] pydantic-field required

The query/s to use for identifying log lines to apply the tags to.

type_field: str pydantic-field required

The rule type as passed in from the config

check_parent(self, parent_query, min_match, dataset_config, es)

Executes a parent query and returns if there were enough result rows.


Name Type Description Default
parent_query QueryBase

The parent query to execute

min_match int

The minimum number of result rows required

dataset_config DatasetConfig

The dataset configuration

es Elasticsearch

The elasticsearch client object



Type Description

True if the query returned >= min_match rows and False otherwise.