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Util module

Statemachine util module

This module contains some utility functions which can used for statemachines, state and state transitions.

calculate_propabilities(weights, modifiers)

Calculates the propability distribution from a list of weights and modifiers.


Name Type Description Default
weights Sequence[float]

The base weights

modifiers Sequence[float]

The weight modifiers



Type Description

If the len of weights and modifiers do not match If the resulting propabilities do not sum to 1


Type Description

The modified weights as propabilities

Source code in simulation/
def calculate_propabilities(
    weights: Sequence[float],
    modifiers: Sequence[float],
) -> List[float]:
    """Calculates the propability distribution from a list of weights and modifiers.

        weights: The base weights
        modifiers: The weight modifiers

        ValueError: If the len of weights and modifiers do not match
                    If the resulting propabilities do not sum to 1

        The modified weights as propabilities
    if len(weights) != len(modifiers):
        raise ValueError("The len of weights and modifieres do not match!")

    if abs(1.0 - sum(weights)) > 1e-8:
        raise ValueError("The weights must sum up to 1")

    if any(w < 0 for w in weights) or any(m < 0 for m in modifiers):
        raise ValueError("Weights and modifiers must be positive values")

    return normalize_propabilities(
        [w * m for w, m in zip(weights, modifiers)],
        # weights[*] and modifiers[*] > 0 already guarantees this


Utility function to check if elements in a list are uniq.


Name Type Description Default
to_check List[Any]

The list to check



Type Description

True if the list contains no duplicates False otherwise.

Source code in simulation/
def elements_unique(to_check: List[Any]) -> bool:
    """Utility function to check if elements in a list are uniq.

        to_check: The list to check

        `True` if the list contains no duplicates `False` otherwise.
    seen = set()
    return not any(i in seen or seen.add(i) for i in to_check)  # type: ignore

normalize_propabilities(propabilities, check_positive=True)

Normalizes a propability distribution to sum up to 1.

Has a floating point error tolerance of up to 1e-8 (same as numpy.choice). If the resulting difference is greater than 1e-8 it is added to the first non zero propability.


Name Type Description Default
propabilities Sequence[float]

The distribution to normalize

check_positive bool

Switch to disable the positive number test. This makes the function slightly faster



Type Description

If the distribution sums to 0 or If one of the propability values is negative


Type Description

List[float]: [description]

Source code in simulation/
def normalize_propabilities(
    propabilities: Sequence[float], check_positive: bool = True
) -> List[float]:
    """Normalizes a propability distribution to sum up to 1.

    Has a floating point error tolerance of up to 1e-8 (same as numpy.choice).
    If the resulting difference is greater than 1e-8 it is added to the first
    non zero propability.

        propabilities: The distribution to normalize
        check_positive: Switch to disable the positive number test.
                        This makes the function slightly faster

        ValueError: If the distribution sums to 0 or
                    If one of the propability values is negative

        List[float]: [description]
    # only check when requested
    if check_positive and any(p < 0 for p in propabilities):
        raise ValueError("Propabilities must be positive numbers")

    total = sum(propabilities)
    if total > 0:
        multiplier = 1.0 / total
        propabilities = [p * multiplier for p in propabilities]
        diff = 1.0 - sum(propabilities)
        # when rounding errors become to extrem
        # then we fix them by adding the diff to 1 a propability
        if abs(diff) > 1e-8:
            # first non 0 propability index will be increased
            adjust_index = next((i for i, x in enumerate(propabilities) if x != 0.0))
            propabilities[adjust_index] += diff
        return propabilities

    raise ValueError("Resulting propabilities sum to 0")


Utility function for getting the current datetime.

For statemachine features that require the current time it is preferred to use this function instead of directly. This suggested because datetime is a builtin and a such cannot easily be mocked during tests.


Name Type Description Default
tz Optional[tzinfo]

Optionally the timezone to use

Source code in simulation/
def now(tz: Optional[tzinfo] = None) -> datetime:
    """Utility function for getting the current datetime.

    For statemachine features that require the current time it is preferred
    to use this function instead of `` directly.
    This suggested because `datetime` is a builtin and a such cannot
    easily be mocked during tests.

        tz: Optionally the timezone to use

skip_on_interrupt(sig=<Signals.SIGINT: 2>, sig_handler=<function skip_on_interrupt_sig_handler at 0x7fdfa0e4ff80>)

Context manager for creating skipable code sections.


Name Type Description Default
sig signal.Signals

The signal that should indicate a skip request.

<Signals.SIGINT: 2>
sig_handler Callable[[signal.Signals, FrameType], None]

The skip on signal handler to use.

<function skip_on_interrupt_sig_handler at 0x7fdfa0e4ff80>


    # start of the skipable section
    with skip_on_interrupt():
    # after a skip we resume here
Source code in simulation/
def skip_on_interrupt(
    sig: signal.Signals = signal.SIGINT,
    sig_handler: Callable[
        [signal.Signals, FrameType], None
    ] = skip_on_interrupt_sig_handler,
    """Context manager for creating skipable code sections.

        sig: The signal that should indicate a skip request.
        sig_handler: The skip on signal handler to use.

            # start of the skipable section
            with skip_on_interrupt():
            # after a skip we resume here
        original_handler = signal.getsignal(sig)
        signal.signal(sig, sig_handler)
    except SkipSectionError:
        log.debug("Skipped section")
        signal.signal(sig, original_handler)
        # clear original signal handler so we know not to
        # reset to it twice
        original_handler = None
        print("Press CTRL+C again to stop the program")
        if original_handler is not None:
            signal.signal(sig, original_handler)

skip_on_interrupt_sig_handler(signum, frame)

Simple signal handler that just raises a SkipSectionError when it receives a interrupt signal.


Type Description

To indicate the current section should be skipped

Source code in simulation/
def skip_on_interrupt_sig_handler(signum: signal.Signals, frame: FrameType):
    """Simple signal handler that just raises a
    when it receives a interrupt signal.

        SkipSectionError: To indicate the current section should be skipped
    log.debug("Received interrupt raising skip section error")
    raise SkipSectionError()


Skipable sleep function

This function utilizes the skip_on_interrupt context manager to implement a skipable sleep.

SIGINT is used used as skip signal. For CLI applications simply press Ctrl+C to skip to interrupt the sleep.


If you wish to send the SIGINT signal to the main process press Ctrl+C twice.

Source code in simulation/
def sleep(sleep_time: Union[ApproximateFloat, float]) -> None:
    """Skipable sleep function

    This function utilizes the
    context manager to implement a skipable sleep.

    `SIGINT` is used used as skip signal. For CLI applications
    simply press ++ctrl+c++ to skip to interrupt the sleep.

    !!! Note
        If you wish to send the `SIGINT` signal to the main process press
         ++ctrl+c++ twice.
    if isinstance(sleep_time, ApproximateFloat):
        sleep_time = sleep_time.value

    with skip_on_interrupt():
        log.debug("Going to sleep for %f", sleep_time)
        log.debug("Resuming execution after sleeping for %f", sleep_time)

sleep_until(end_datetime, min_sleep_amount=0.1, sleep_amount=None)

Sleep until specified datetime

The default behavior is to basically binary search towards the target datetime. i.e., the sleep duration is always time left/2 until min sleep amount is larger than the division result. Alternatively fixed sleep steps can be configured.


You can interupt the current sleep and check if the desired datetime is already reached by pressing Ctrl+C and sending a SIGINT.


Name Type Description Default
end_datetime datetime

The datetime to wait until

min_sleep_amount float

The minimum amount of time sleep in between checks.

sleep_amount Optional[Union[float, ApproximateFloat]]

Optionally use fixed amount of time sleep steps

Source code in simulation/
def sleep_until(
    end_datetime: datetime,
    min_sleep_amount: float = 0.1,
    sleep_amount: Optional[Union[float, ApproximateFloat]] = None,
    """Sleep until specified datetime

    The default behavior is to basically binary search towards the target datetime.
    i.e., the sleep duration is always `time left/2` until min sleep amount is larger
    than the division result. Alternatively fixed sleep steps can be configured.

    !!! Hint
        You can interupt the current sleep and check if the desired datetime is already
        reached by pressing ++ctrl+c++ and sending a `SIGINT`.

        end_datetime: The datetime to wait until
        min_sleep_amount: The minimum amount of time sleep in between checks.
        sleep_amount: Optionally use fixed amount of time sleep steps

    while True:
        diff = (end_datetime - now()).total_seconds()

        # stop waiting once its the end time or later
        if diff <= 0:

        # if we do not have a sleep interval sleep relative to
        # the time between now and the end time
        if sleep_amount is None:
            #  to avoid many extremely short sleeps
            #  fallback to the minimum sleep
            sleep(max(min_sleep_amount, diff / 2))


Returns formatted version information about the cr_kyoushi.simulation package.

Adapted from Pydantic

Source code in simulation/
def version_info(cli_info: Info) -> str:
    """Returns formatted version information about the `cr_kyoushi.simulation package`.

    Adapted from
    import platform
    import sys

    from pathlib import Path

    from . import __version__

    info = {
        "cr_kyoushi.simulation version": __version__,
        "config path": cli_info.settings_path.absolute()
        if cli_info.settings_path is not None
        else None,
        "install path": Path(__file__).resolve().parent,
        "python version": sys.version,
        "platform": platform.platform(),
    return "\n".join(
        "{:>30} {}".format(k + ":", str(v).replace("\n", " ")) for k, v in info.items()